Page 20 - LeanBelly 3X (Shaun Hadsall) : Flip It & Read It
P. 20

fat called

                  Acute Visceral Adipose Tissue

             Also Known As AVAT...

                   This stubborn fat is found in the

              abdominal and belly region in 7 out of

                10 Americans and it's now known by

              the medical community as "DEATH FAT"

                because it carries such a high risk...

             This means that 70% of the population has a belly issue that
             can increase their likelihood of early death by nearly 200%...

             Sadly, the visceral fat had pushed Karen's blood pressure and
             cholesterol to dangerous levels—and it was dramatically increasing
             her risk for heart disease and stroke.
             If you're a man or woman over 40 and you can look down, right
             now, and you see one inch or more hanging over your waistline,
             chances are very high you suéer from AVAT… just like Karen did.
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